Digital Gaia helps regenerative projects maximize their positive impact, income generation and access to capital. Our open platform allows stewards of Nature-Based Solutions to track and optimize their projects’ impact while generating trustworthy “proof of impact” credits.

Credibly demonstrating impact is a foundational bottleneck that is keeping Nature-Based Solution (NBS) projects from proliferating and scaling to meet the world's demand for carbon capture and regeneration; however, current solutions (even those using modern tech like AI and Web3) are too coarse-grained, static, brittle, black-box, centralized and costly. So the long tail of project originators and stewards are locked out of the market, and greenwashing is pervasive.

Digital Gaia’s breakthrough adaptive AI, supported by a tokenized ecosystem of data providers and modelers, produces impact assessments, asset valuations and credit issuance that are fine-grained, dynamic, context-relevant, fully provenanced, federated, accessible, and guaranteed to always reflect the sum of the world's best available knowledge.

By allowing nature stewards to monetize their impact with total credibility, Digital Gaia will align “doing good” and “doing well”, and unleash a planetary-scale, equitable regenerative economy.


<aside> 💡 Demand for carbon credits and other certificates of natural impact will soon be in the $T/year range. But today, if you have a project that captures carbon and you want to get funded and sell credits, you’ll find a huge bottleneck where the rubber meets the road: certification and access to capital. You either go through centralized legacy verifiers, who charge a lot and use blackbox methodologies to say how many tons you're capturing; or you skip verification, which significantly restricts your access to funding. So countless local communities of nature stewards, who are ready and able to make huge positive impacts on the environment, are unable to access the trillion dollar global market that wants to fund them. This hidden bottleneck is keeping the carbon/natural markets and global climate/ecological action from scaling, despite its ambitions*.***


More than ever, people want to put their money to work towards saving nature and averting climate change. The demand for certificates of natural impact such as carbon credits will soon reach $trillions/year. **And there is abundant potential to meet that demand via impact projects and investments of all scales. But there is a major bottleneck: for these projects to access capital and become viable, they need to be attributed, verified, certified and valued. Today this happens through broken, centralized, unscalable and black-box frameworks managed by carbon credit registries and expensive consultants, which are only accessible to a minority of players, and don’t necessarily provide high-quality assessments.

In this “Tower of Babel”, there’s no meaningful shared way to quantify impact or to tell whether impact has been realized. So investors are left to make decisions based on gut instinct, good faith and wishful thinking. Meanwhile, the vast number of nature stewards who are making a positive impact don’t have any reliable way to prove that impact, which means they can’t get the funding they need or the credit and rewards they deserve.

Imagine a startup industry where you can only get investments or sell your products by paying large sums of money to an unaccountable middleman, who also decides how your product will be priced. This is what the impact sector looks like today.

Given this situation, it’s no surprise that few people are working on natural impact projects; the ones who do are either wealthy enough to self-fund and go through the hurdles of bureaucratic verification, or those who choose a non-profit route and forsake monetary rewards of any kind (which also requires not just passion, but money). It’s also why markets for natural impact are small, illiquid and full of risk, despite huge and exponentially increasing demand. And despite an explosion of regenerative/natural impact finance solutions and even new asset classes - which use innovations such as blockchain registries, big data, deep learning, or even whole-Earth digital twins - all these solutions still rely on siloed, off-chain valuation models and processes.


<aside> 💡 We are creating a way for any natural asset to optimize, demonstrate and monetize its positive impact, by earning credits that are not only higher quality than those backed by legacy verifiers, but transparent, unforgeable and constantly improving. Digital Gaia issues credits and constantly revalidates them based on the best available knowledge, providing buyers with apples-to-apples, zero-trust “proof of impact” and fair prices. It also provides forward-looking potential impact over time, serving as a basis for asset trading, forward contracts and investment across the open marketplace, all on a common currency. Finally, DG maintains an incentivized, gamified “assessment economy” that ensures a steady stream of cross-validated, high-quality observations and models.


Digital Gaia is building a world-scale, connected valuation and coordination platform for all the world's natural assets. This platform has four components:

Simultaneously incentivizing and monitoring impact